Tuesday 7 February 2017

Community Consultation For Stockwell Hall Of Fame

The community consultation concerning the graffiti space located on Aytoun Road has begun. We would value your participation and input in this consultation, alongside that of other stakeholder groups.
Built originally as a ball court in the 1960s, the area known both locally and more widely as “The Stockwell Hall of Fame” has been used as a space for street artists to practice and express their art form for over a decade. The decision to allow the space to be used as a graffiti “gallery” was taken when the estate was in Lambeth Council’s ownership, before it was acquired by Network Homes. The “Hall of Fame” has developed into a popular and renowned resource, attracting top artists not just from the local area but from across the globe. The space has generated widespread acclaim, so much so it has featured in both the Evening Standard and the American newspaper the Wall Street Journal.
The area does now require some repair works which Network Homes and SW9 Community Housing are committed to carrying out. Before doing so however, we thought it appropriate to take this opportunity to ask for the community’s opinions on how the space is used and the priorities on how it can be improved or designed, to ensure the works we carry out are to the benefit of the whole community.
An independent consultancy called Campbell Tickell has been appointed to carry out this consultation on Network Homes’ behalf. Paul Bragman from Campbell Tickell has prepared the following questionnaire to gather your opinions.
If you are a resident of Stockwell Park estate please fill out this survey
The deadline for completing the survey is Monday the 6th March 2017. The survey results will be monitored solely by Paul Bragman and Campbell Tickell, who will also run subsequent workshops. As part of the consultation there will be a chance for you to meet and talk with Paul Bragman if you think this would be beneficial. Campbell Tickell will report back their findings to Network Homes and SW9 Community Housing at the end of the consultation period.
Secondly, Paul Bragman has also prepared the following survey, to be circulated amongst graffiti artists who have an interest in the facility. The deadline for this survey is also Monday the 6th March 2017.

If you are a Graffiti writer/ Artist please fill out this survey

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