Monday 15 June 2020

Growing our Garden: Nettle tea.

At #bookstopbrixton we have been looking at the health benefits of nettle tea. This great drink can be made from stinging nettles and has many health benefits including vitamins A B,C,E,K, B Vitamins, Beta Carotene,Calcium, chromium,Cobalt,Copper Iron magnesium, potassium and Zinc.
It's also great for Arthritis,Gout, kidney, liver and spleen cleanser.
First we consult our Gardening books.

We have a big stash of nettles on the garden so if you pick them remember to wear gloves. You need to pick from the top of the nettle plant and try to get good green healthy looking leaves.

Put the leaves into a cup and let them sit for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then remove the nettle leaves. These can be eaten and have a real spinach like taste to them. You can add honey or lime to the tea for added flavour. Our favourite at the moment is nettle tea with a dash of Ribena.
Tea is now served.,....enjoy 

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